Spend 3 days with Jeremy Martin, Level 2 certified AcroLove teacher and acrobatics coach. Jeremy specializes in H2H, F2H, banquine, swings, icarian, and dance lifts. He is the strength coach for Pitch Catch Circus. Jeremy will approach standing acrobatics through the lens of fitness programming instead of learning and collecting skills. AcroLove is an amazing festival where we can be amongst so many of our friends and peers doing what we love. This intensive is offered as an opportunity to refine your practice in a small group setting with acrobats from all over the world before the festival.
Prereqs: some experience with standing f2h and h2h
Dates: September 25-27, 2023
Cost: $400
Questions: [email protected]
Day 1: 9-10: Squat mobility & jumping mechanics 10-12: F2H fundamentals & cute exits 12-1: LUNCH 1-3: H2H drills for refinement 3-4: Open training / Q&A coaching
Day 2: 9-10: Prehab: Shoulder mobilization & rotator cuff defense 10-12: Pitches, inlocates, & using group acro to unlock skills 12-1: LUNCH 1-3: Reverse H2H entrances & exits 3-4: Open training / Discussion: HOW TO BREAKDOWN BIG SKILLS
Day 3: 9-10: Floor Movement & Agility Drills: Addressing proprioception & reaction time 10-12: Handstand Shapes: Progressions for backbends & 1 arm handstands 12-1: LUNCH 1-3: Dynamic Pass the flier (hands, feet, swings, banquine) a roller coaster of fun 3-4: Open training