Matt Schnuth

Cincinnati, OH


Matt loves to share the joy of Acro. A focus on helping the community grow in a positive, safe, and welcoming way has earned him the moniker “Acro Dad” in his home community, even though he has no idea what it’s like to be or have a dad. There is little more important to him than sharing the connection, community, and playfulness of Acro.

Acro was love at first flight during his first class in 2013, even though he had no athletic background at the time and was well known for being clumsy. That experience has been an invaluable guide that Acro is so much more accessible than most people think. Acro has helped him discover the amazing potential of his own body while gaining strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

Matt’s eye for technical details and mechanical intuition serve well to help budding practitioners break past barriers and refine their skills. He constantly challenges himself to teach in a way that is accessible to beginners and challenging to his regular students.