Danny doesn’t come from any sort of movement background – that is part of what makes acroyoga appealing to him and accessible to everyone in all walks of life. In 2014, he started to enjoy life fully and discovered acroyoga after volunteering at a yoga festival in Atlanta. Since then, Danny got bit by the “acro bug” and has loved to share the practice with others. He strives to spark joy through play and connection via acro while inspiring confidence in those who may lack it. He is especially interested in the old school roots of acroyoga with therapeutics, counterbalances, and washing machines. Outside of acro, Danny enjoys spending time with his wife and young son, hiking and kayaking, handcrafting small batch natural sodas, and curating the choicest playlists of sick tunes. Danny completed his acroyoga teacher training in June 2022 with AcroLove.